This blog chronicles the work and thought processes of Atlanta based digital artist, i_kafka. His work is available for purchase by contacting Dan Pfeiffer at
Set up stuck up transistor transition made up nice like grey sky in fall reflections in windows remind of past memories or confusion in the here an now listening to Monk on the radio the tinny vibe connects right into my head and begot this mood...
There are several images floating around inside my head. Perhaps too many to commit to physical form in my lifetime. Some have been there for a long time. Others appear spontaneously. Many, I can’t remember.
Sometimes, when I am lucky, my art can capture and produce a real world manifestation of these images. In most instances my camera finds the image manifested in the real world. On other occasions I create the image if its real world counterpart eludes me. This is why I get a rush during periods of creativity. I am capturing and depicting the mental images that until then, only existed as fleeting impressions viewable in my minds eye.