Thursday, September 08, 2005

Dentists Offices - What's Wrong?

I recently visited 2 different dental offices due to a root canal procedure and follow up. It has not been a pleasant experience. Certainly dental offices can benefit from some serious consideration about how they present their space to patients. In my experience, both offices used music. One played "lite" rock and the other classical. I preferred neither based on the severity of the work being done on me - it made no difference to my comfort. Another objectionable item - aside from a few nearly non-descript landscape framed photos hanging on the walls there was nothing but ceiling tile and office lighting to look at! What good are the pictures on the wall if I have to be staring upward? How nicely the ceilings could have benefitted from a mural or well place painting! Dentistry is bad enough. Who wants to have to stare at blank ceilings or bright lights during the process. This is why I equate the dentist visit to some sort of torture or interrogation session. The suspect is always pressed back in a chair, bright lights are shined into their eyes to protect the identity of the torturers and primitive electric drills and other such devices are used. The mouth is force to remain open for long periods of time. Needles are used. Poision's injected. Is it any wonder that a majority of citizens hate dentists? They could at least make an effort to make the surrounding space of the denist's office pleasant, warm and less anti-septic and cold to be in. If some concern were given to astehtic perhaps the industry wouldn't suffer from such low satisfaction ratings. The sterile operating room look needs to be replaced with warm colors, artwork, decent music - perhaps with headphones (?) and some good looking assistants wouldn't hurt either.


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