Monday, February 21, 2011

a difficult clarity

she emerged from fire, robed...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

surface 4250

This place reminds you of you

Sketch for Signs and Wonders

Friday, February 11, 2011

Untitled (Sonoma, California, 2008)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Untitled (Sonoma, California, 2008)

Monday, February 07, 2011

everything happens in multiples

but you don't see it

hides on every street

jump snake hop dance at night
Dire Straits on the radio
beach forgotten; a precient, fleeting thought
rush for your muse
she hides on every street

a clearing

High fog onset Feels like Winter early
October strings call and lights we saw
still remembered at the most unlikely time

quantum decoherence 4929

quantum decoherence 4900

Thursday, February 03, 2011

On "...and in that moment..." and others.

"...and in that moment..." is based on the idea of modal realism. The viewer at that moment is transported from the current state of reality to another, parallel but slightly different reality. The increased fractals of the center point speaks to the idea of quantum mathematics role in this imagined event. The trees and sky are visual relics being left behind from the viewpoint of the participant. Perhaps they will reconstruct themselves once the viewer reaches the other destination.

I'm interested in the idea of modal realism and its mechanics as written by, among others, cosmologist
Brian Greene. We certainly see forms of this idea expressed time and time again in the popular culture; most recently in the Fox TV show Fringe. It's an idea-set that influences the more esoteric images I create. But it also permeates my "normal" pictures. That's because I think hidden universes surround us. We just haven't learned, or perhaps lost, the knowledge that allows us to see them clearly. But without doubt, we can feel them.

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images floating

There are several images floating around inside my head. Perhaps too many to commit to physical form in my lifetime. Some have been there for a long time. Others appear spontaneously. Many, I can’t remember.

Sometimes, when I am lucky, my art can capture and produce a real world manifestation of these images. In most instances my camera finds the image manifested in the real world. On other occasions I create the image if its real world counterpart eludes me. This is why I get a rush during periods of creativity. I am capturing and depicting the mental images that until then, only existed as fleeting impressions viewable in my minds eye.

The images began to appear at an early age. The introduction of highly visualized mediums such as MTV (when they showed only music videos), movies showcasing increased visual technical proficiency and video games had the affect of broadening the scope of imagery I imagined. Movement was now a primary variable. In some cases I see details that are often overlooked by casual observation. I frame elements of my
total visual sensory input much in the same way a camera excludes details outside of the viewfinder frame.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

missed beauty

form 2838

A topography

"Mr. Lichtenstein, I'm ready for my close-up."


face (metallic)