Thursday, February 03, 2011

On "...and in that moment..." and others.

"...and in that moment..." is based on the idea of modal realism. The viewer at that moment is transported from the current state of reality to another, parallel but slightly different reality. The increased fractals of the center point speaks to the idea of quantum mathematics role in this imagined event. The trees and sky are visual relics being left behind from the viewpoint of the participant. Perhaps they will reconstruct themselves once the viewer reaches the other destination.

I'm interested in the idea of modal realism and its mechanics as written by, among others, cosmologist
Brian Greene. We certainly see forms of this idea expressed time and time again in the popular culture; most recently in the Fox TV show Fringe. It's an idea-set that influences the more esoteric images I create. But it also permeates my "normal" pictures. That's because I think hidden universes surround us. We just haven't learned, or perhaps lost, the knowledge that allows us to see them clearly. But without doubt, we can feel them.

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