Friday, December 30, 2005

Graffiti artists attack Sony ads

Graffiti artists attack Sony ads

Sony is at war with taggers in San Francisco over their protest of Sony's faux graffiti billboards. What if Sony hired former street taggers to take on the renegades? That's what I would do if I were Sony. And I'd exploit it to the hilt. And I'd call it the Sony Graffiti Jihad. And street taggers would be offered so much cash they couldn't refuse to take on the other taggers who wish to remain street. And the ensuing buzz would futher Sony's brand image and quite possibly result in more sales.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Holiday Rundown

I got an iPod Nano as a gift. I must say the iTunes software leaves a lot to be desired but I am overall happy with the device as opposed to my Sandisk unit which I previously had. The iPod is clearly a cut above in functionality but I truly hate the iTunes software. It sports little in the way of documentation and I had to pretty much learn to use it through trial and error. Apple's attempt to be design chic and minimalist in their packaging essentially gives you these instructions: Plug in iPod, Turn on PC, Follow on screen instructions.

The unit comes in a CD proportioned sized package which holds the unit along with the headphones and USB cable. Here the minimalist chic look works. The unit itself is about as thick as 2 pieces of gum stick. The interface has a color background and is very intuitively navigable though I think it is a bit too touch sensitive. I've loaded more than 2GB though the specs indicate that's all it can support. I'll take the extra space.

I love coffee and I was lucky enough to receive several different flavored packages as gifts this season. I realize I use coffee and alcohol as mood alterants. But then so do millions of Americans. Actually, my alcohol consumption has decreased but I can report no change in my energy level; overall sense of well being, concentration. However, I do know caffeine affects all these things positively, but like any other foreign substance, sensible moderation should be taken into account.

Currently listening to the SDTRK to the film Memento. Earlier I was listening to Klaus Schulze's 3CD set "In Blue." I've obtained an amount of new music lately which is almost too extensive to list now. Here's a quick rundown:
Tangerine Dream - Rubycon
Tiesto - Nyana
R. Thompson - Shadow Gazing
Desideii Marginis - Songs over Ruins
Massive Attack vs. Mad Professor - No Protection
Deep Forest - Best of
Kraftwerk - Minimum Maximum
Foo Fighters - One by One
Brendan Perry - Heart of the Hunter
The Fixx - Happy Landings
Janes Addiction - Nothing's Shocking
Smashing Pumpkins - Greatest Hits

I saw the Chronicles of Narnia tonight. Review to follow soon.

I may become addicted to SuDoku...or Chess.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Astronomers Use Laser To Take Clearest Images Of The Center Of The Milky Way

Our view of the universe is based on a perception interpreted by telescopes, atmosphere, distance and time. And now we are a step closer to knowing the true look of far away objects. These pictures of the universe that we marvel over are much like art. Art too is interpreted through the lens of time and distance. 400 years from now what will They think of our art? Or will They think about art at all? Will They have no use for it? Meandering speculations. Almost inane actually.

Go back to what you were doing...

Friday, December 16, 2005

What iKafka is Listening to Now.

Monday, December 12, 2005

iPod Ad Design.

The iPod ads graphic style have spawned a cottage industry of "iSomething" wear. Example, iPeddle (black bike silhouette, blue background). This serves as a constant reminder of the iPod even though the subject matter of the ad is not that of Apple's music storage player. So when you see an indie designed and published ad using the iPod schema you always think of the product in the back of your head. This is excellent viral marketing. By the use of design and the ubiquitous "i" people instantly recognize perhaps not so much the product but the style associated with the product. Notably, there is a simplicity to the design. Sparing use of color, often 2 toned and high contrast make the design stand out and are easily remembered by the viewer. In this instance, not just the product has become iconic - but the design to sell it itself has developed a cult following and been grafted onto the popular culture.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Possible Public Showing in the Works.

I have modified some images for submission to the Spire condominium gallery located in the building lobby. Included is a copy of the one above which is also available at
I should know something as soon as the board of directors review the submissions. Further details to come...

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